Thursday, November 22, 2012

A visit to Mont Tremblant!

Sunday November 11th (Remembrance Day):

We were woken up around 12 by an excited Regina (my host mom); it had turned out to be a beautiful day and she proposed a visit to Mont Tremblant. We were all exhausted since it had been a very late night the night before and we had only managed to get a few hours sleep, but Danitza and I had never been to Mont Tremblant and we both really wanted to go. So we dragged ourselves out of bed, threw on some clothes, and grabbed food on the way out the door. My other counterpart Sophie decided not to come with us because she was too tired, so it was me, Danitza, Regina, and Catherine (my host sister). Since Cat had to work at five we only had until four to get there, climb, sight see, etc, so we rushed out of the house and were on the road before one.
We arrived at Mont Tremblant in beautiful, sunny weather, and began our tour of the small "community" at the base of the mountain. We could see that they had started to produce artificial snow on one part of the mountain higher up, but we thought that was the only spot until we turned the corner and.. there was a field FULL of snow. Sure it was artificial and all that, but to a Bolivian who had never experienced snow before in her life it was theeee coolest thing in the world. We must have spent at least half an hour in the snow having snowball fights, tackling each other, and taking pictures (obviously we needed proof we had actually found snow).

After that we continued exploring all the little shops and places until we found one that makes Beaver Tails. It was decided that there was no way Danitza could come to Canada and not experience beaver tails, so naturally we got a few. YUMMM!
Once we had finished the delishhh beaver tails it was time to climb the mountain.. or as far as we could get in the time we had left. We found a little path that wound through the woods beside a giant rock waterfall, and followed this up the mountain. Eventually it led out onto the middle of one of the ski runs where there was plenty of.. you guessed it; SNOW. And obviously this meant more snow activities.. :)
Like teaching Danitza how to make a snow angel!

We also made a (mini) snowman (Danitza's first) and gave him my poppy. On Mont Tremblant with the peaceful, beautiful view seemed like a perfect spot for a small troops memorial especially since it was Remembrance Day. 
This wonderful day in my beautiful country once again reminded of why I am so thankful for our troops, both past and present.

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