Monday, November 19, 2012

Congrès Jeunesse d'Amnistie Internationale

On November third there was an Amnistie International conference in Saint-Jerome at L'Academie LaFontaine. Three members of our group (Sophie, Jonny, and Nicole) work at L'Academie, so they helped to organize it. Naturally, if one part of our group is helping.. we all are! So on November third we spent the day running kiosks, directing people, organizing marchers, serving food, and doing security. It was a very busy day for everyone, but somehow between all the work I managed to find time to go to one of the "ateliers".
The one I went to was called "Droits Humains et Santé; Quels liens à faire?" and it was run by the International Federation of Medical Students (IFMSA). We talked about access to medical care, and how people's race, social status, and education affect the medical care they receive. We talked about the situation abroad and in Canada. I found it very interesting to learn that even here in Quebec the race and education you have affect your quality of care. I guess it was something I had never really thought about before, and it shocked me to hear many of the real stories and examples they had of people whose access or quality of care were affected negatively because of their race, social status, or education.
By the end of the atelier it had successfully (like many of the things in this program) inspired me to continue pursuing work in International Development!

On a side note.. I began my university applications this weekend!

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