Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Playing catch up.. my counterparts and host family!

Let's just pretend this is being written in real time.. hopefully when I catch up I will write about things as they are happening. But for now I'm playing catch up, so my quick summaries to get you all up to date will have to do!
After the four day orientation camp in Val-David we discovered who our counterparts (the other volunteers we live with) are. Because one of the Bolivian girls couldn't get her VISA we had an uneven number of girls. So instead of being in a group of two like everyone else, I get to be in a group of three! My two counterparts are Sophie (19, francophone, from Quebec) and Danitza (18, from Santa Cruz Bolivia). 

We then went to meet our host family in Saint-Jerome! We live with Regina, and her two children (Nicolas who is 22, and Catherine who is 17). The family has two cats; Blackjack and Double, and their house is in a quiet neighborhood perfect for my runs. They have a lovely home, and a very large basement which the three of us get to "have". Our basement area has a couch/tv section, a bathroom, and a bed and desk area. It is very spacious, and a great place to live. When we first arrived there was a big bed, and a smaller camping cot available for the three of us. The idea was that two of us would share the bed while the other slept in the cot. But after one night of that we decided three of us in the bed worked just fine, and... we've been like that ever since!

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