Monday, October 22, 2012

The busy get busier

Since my last post things have been insanely busy!
Luis (my work partner) and I are in charge of organizing the Halloween party for my work (Le Coffret). The party is for all of the partners to the organization, all the people who use the Meridien 74 (the community center), all of the immigrants who associated with Le Coffret, and a few other select groups. In total we are expecting anywhere from 200-400 people.. which means a lot of planning is required!
We have been working away at everything as quickly as possible, but our deadline is approaching. I have had to put to test my artistic skills by making pinatas (or trying to), as well as my cooking skills by planning out the meal and snacks. I'll be the first to admit I'm not much of a cook, so it is definitely a challenge!
On the topic of planning meals.. I am also part of a team that is planning the menu and cooking for our group's "mi-projet" camp next weekend. The "mi-projet" is a three day, two night camp in which the whole group spends time together to evaluate, re-group, and relax a bit. I, as well as a few others, are in charge of planning all the meals, and then pre-making or cooking them during the camp. Once again, I will remind you cooking is not my strong suit (unless burning counts), so this will be a very interesting three days!
Meanwhile.. this Friday (October 26th) is my JAE. The JAE is a day in which my counterparts and I run an educational activity day for the group. The topic of our day is the image of women in the media.  We have been planning and working on that to make sure it is all ready for this Friday.
Unfortunately, while all this is going on I have become sick. The kind of sick where on top of the coughing, stuffiness which results in not being able to breathe, and fever, you feel as if you have been hit by a transport truck and you have absolutely no energy. Good timing right?

So, I think its fair to say I have been a little bit busy and that my lack of posts are understandable! :)

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