Saturday, December 29, 2012


I may be on a different continent, with a different climate and time, but for all of us one thing is the same; it is the holidays!
So HAPPY HOLIDAYS to all you lovely people! I hope you all had a fantastic holiday, whatever it is that you celebrate, and that it was filled with lots of smiling family and friends, good food, and happy memories!
Bolivian Christmas is a bit different than a Canadian Christmas. Here we celebrated NocheBuena (Christmas Eve) more than we celebrate Christmas Day. On Nochebuena all the family gathers at one house, (in my case an aunt), and have a midnight dinner/party. We celebrated until around 3AM, when everyone returned to their own houses. Then on Christmas Day we slept in until around 10AM, and had a family lunch, after which we did presents.
Most families have a fake Christmas tree, but I have seen some Christmas lights on palm trees; it is not the same thing by far.
It has been very weird to have a Christmas without snow or my friends or my family, but I am embracing it as an experience! Christmas has been the hardest part of this trip so far, because it is such a family holiday for me and because it is the first time I am not with my family for it. But I have not forgotten how incredible, and valuable this experience is and I am continuing to love every bit of Bolivia!
Next up.. New Years!

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