Friday, February 22, 2013

Marcha "Basta de Violencia" y "Contra la feminicidia"

On Tuesday the 19th we participated in a march in the Plaza and downtown area. The event was a HUGE success, and there was probably every news source in the city there. I'm not kidding.. I have never seen that many cameras and reporters together at once!
The march was against violence against women, and to encourage justice in the names of victims. It was planned to co-ordinate with an informative event on feminicidio that our group had planned, but it turned into a lot more, really fast.
The day before the march one of the major new reporters in Santa Cruz was killed by her husband. This caused a lot more people to come out to the event than expected, and it probably attributed to a lot of the news coverage as well.
The event began with a lot of speeches from public figures, victims, families of victims, and other people involved in the cause. It went with a march around the downtown plaza area, and then finished with a number of interviews.

Our group made a lot of posters, as well as an "exhibit" of sorts. We made body bags, with what looked like bodies inside of them and labeled them "Mujer; 2013". Then we set them out with a cross sign, that said "La justicia se olvido de ellas" (justice forgot about them). We also traced the shape of bodies on the ground with chalk, like the body outline at a crime scene, and wrote some other sayings on the ground with chalk. 

The march was really successful, and my sign and I ended up in a very large photo on the front page of one of Santa Cruz's newspapers! :)
This isn't the photo, but it was with this sign!

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