Monday, March 11, 2013

Goodbye to Bolivia

Wednesday we left Santa Cruz, Bolivia and headed to Canada. It was our final day with all of the Bolivians, and the host families, and it was VERY sad. 
After six months of being together in a group with these people I have become very close with all of them. With each one I have formed a special relationship, and I will miss them all so much. 
I came to Bolivia to volunteer. I didn't know anything about the country, the people, the culture, or the language. But I am leaving after having learned so much, and fallen in love. I fell in love with Bolivia; the dancing, the Spanish, the people, Santa Cruz, the crazy and busy and passionate lifestyle. All of it. 
I cannot thank the people I have met enough. They were incredible, and generous, and they are the ones who taught me everything I have learned. The bolivians in my group; Danitza, Mateo, Luis, Alvaro, Melany, Nicole, and Franco, my work placement, my extremely generous host family, and the many, many others cannot be thanked enough. It made saying goodbye to them even harder, and it was a day full of a lot of tears.
The night before leaving we had a "despedida" which is like a goodbye party. It was with all of the families, and some of the friends of the group. It was really nice to have a final time all together to look at pictures, talk about great memories, and begin saying goodbyes. We also did "Paper Plate Awards", which are awards for something special or original of each person. I made them for the group, and they seemed to be a big hit! :)
All in all, saying goodbye was hard, but I will forever remember the amazing memories and lessons I have learned here! It is not goodbye, it is only a "until next time, Bolivia"! 

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