Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The end of my work at Plataforma Solidaria! :(

Thursday February 28th was the last day at my work placement; Plataforma Solidaria. Mateo, Alvaro, and I said our goodbyes to all the incredible staff, and wonderful kids with a little goodbye celebration in one of the back rooms and a letter of gratitude to the center. For Mateo and Alvaro it wasn't a permanent goodbye, since they both live in Santa Cruz and are planning on returning to volunteer. But for me, it was a goodbye until some unknown time farther in the future.
It was hard to say goodbye to the place I have worked at daily for the past three months. I have fallen in love with Plataforma, the amazing people there and the wonderful work they do. Working at Plataforma Solidaria was one of the most challenging yet rewarding, educational, eye-opening things I have done in my life. I probably learned more in my three months working here in Bolivia, than any school could teach me in years. Not only have I learned SO MUCH, but I am also leaving with a new sense of appreciation for what I have. My friends, my family, my socio-economic state, my country, my opportunities.. all of it was under-appreciated by me before coming to Bolivia. But after seeing and working with people who literally have nothing I have realized how incredibly fortunate I am. This lesson was not only learned here though, it began in my work at the Meridien 74 in Saint-Jerome, and just continued to grow once I came to Bolivia.
I cannot express my gratitude enough to Plataforma Solidaria for everything they have done for me by giving me the opportunity to work there for the past three months. They have taught me, they have confirmed that I want to work in International Development, they have given me opportunities to work and learn from some of the most incredible people, and they have welcomed me into their family. Looking back on my very first day of work, when my boss Julian welcomed us and told us that we were now a part of the Plataforma Family, I never actually thought I would feel like part of a family. But after saying my goodbyes I realize that Julian is right, Plataforma Solidaria has a family and they brought me into it with open arms. I cannot thank them enough, for what they have done for me or what they do every single day for the kids and people in that community.
If you ever make it to Bolivia, all I can do is recommend you make a stop at Plataforma Solidaria in Santa Cruz de la Sierra. It is entirely worth it, and amazing the see the life-changing work they do daily!
Gracias Plataforma Solidaria! :)

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