Thursday, March 14, 2013

La Marcha "Ponete en Sus Zapatos"

On March 5th (the day before we left) we finally had the march "Ponete en Sus Zapatos", which we have been planning and organizing for the past two months. It was the equivalent of Put yourself in Her Shoes marches in Canada. The march was from the Palacia de Justicia to the Plaza in Santa Cruz. Men were asked to wear heels, and everyone brought posters and banners. It was in support of equality and the fight against violence against women.
My group, along with a group of youth from Casa de la Mujer, planned, publicized, and organized the march. This type of thing isn't done in Bolivia, so it was the first one of its kind and somewhat controversial. We weren't sure how big the turnout would be, since it is controversial, but we were surprised with a large turnout of at least 200 people. The march was covered on the news and newspapers all over the country, and a few other South American countries as well.
All in all, it was a great success, and a good way to end our work in Bolivia!

Here are two links to newspaper articles on the march:

The most controversial signs....

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